Current Projects


Narrative Immersion for Effective Health Behavior Intervention

One of the oldest and still most pervasive forms of communication, narratives may be especially powerful because of their unique capacity of "transportation," or immersion. This line of inquiry explores: How can stories be used to promote behavior change through active video games and extended (virtual/augmented/mixed) reality ? What are the psychophysiological mechanisms behind the behavioral outcome?

Publications - Keywords - Narrative / Persuasion / RCT / Virtual Reality ...

Amy Physical Activity / Inactivity and Cognitive Function

Physical activity is critical to pediatric obesity prevention. Active video gaming, or exergaming, is an innovative method for increasing physical activity and reducing sedentary screen time. This line of research explores: the influence of physical activity on cognitive function; the determinants of physical activity; and the measurement of physical activity and energy expenditure.

Publications - Keywords - Physical Activity / Child Obesity / Exercise Physiology ...

Amy G4H Research Content Analysis, Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

This line of research aims to approach games for health (G4H) from two perspectives: One, we conduct content analyses of existing health games and their characteristics, scope, interactive design features and potential for health and rehabilitation; two, we conduct systematic reviews and meta-analyses of academic publications using game for health among different populations across various clinical contexts.

Publications - Keywords - Games for Health / Content Analysis / Systematic Review / Meta-Analysis ...

Amy Perception of Virtual Characters in Animation and Video Games

Character and plot are the main components of a narrative and important determinants of its immersive quality. How do people of different race and ethnic backgrounds perceive the virtual characters in animation and video games? What are the optimal ways of designing narrative agents? What kind of character design would be effective for health communication and intervention?

Publications - Keywords - Avatar/Character / Perception / Cognitive Psychology ...
Past Projects
Amy Kiddio: Food Fight - Training Vegetable Parenting Practices

Vegetable intake has been related to lower risk of several chronic diseases. This project plans to develop a mobile app that simulates parent-child interactions to give the parent players of preschoolers a fun, interactive way to learn some of the best approaches for getting their kids to eat more vegetables.

Publications - Keywords - Parenting Style ...

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